
Light at the end of the tunnel

I can see it. My recovery is progressing. Everything is improving. My relationship with my family. My wife and son. I’m becoming one of the top servers at my job. I’m close to saving enough money to buy a car. I have a potential opportunity to begin work again as an advocate for mental health. There is a possibility that my case will be diverted to a specialty mental health court.

So many things in the works. Great things. Important things. I no longer am in the pit of despair. Nor am I at the beginning stage. Life is in full swing. A world of possibilities. Opportunity. I don’t have my entire life back yet. But I’m not so far away right now. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Light at the end of the tunnel - CMW

I need to remind myself to manage my expectations. To stop and pray. To breathe. I know that I didn’t get here on my own. I rely on many people who support me in my recovery. My family. My mental health team. My recovery supports. God. I remind myself not to get overconfident. Don’t get cocky.

When things get too good I often lose my way. I start taking my life back. Instead of allowing God to piece my life together according to His will.

Breathe. Slow down. Pray. I can’t get caught up in chasing external things. I can’t lose sight of what is truly important. God. Family. Recovery.

All the amazing things happening in my life can be gone in an instant. But I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. After trudging through the mud for awhile, I feel hopeful. Even the mud had beautiful moments. But I enjoy this view better.

By jeremiahelin

bipolar survivor here to shed some light on personal journey through the highest of highs and lowest of lows

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